Homework Assignment 1

Analytics of donorschoose.org Data (DUE: April 4th)

In Week 3, we analyzed projects table on donorschoose.org to gain some insights we can use to improve the platform. As a homework assignment, you are analyzing donations and donors for the same purpose. Throughout your answers, use the techniques you have learned so far, and submit your code and the results as one file. Remember, in this assignment, correctness of your codes and results will be graded. You do not have to write only one set of code to answer one question.

1. Donations

  • What is the average total amount (in $) of donations made to each project? If two donations that amount to $10 and $20 respectively were made to project A, the total donation to project A is $30.

  • How many did unique projects receive a donation at least once according to donations table?

  • Some donations 'complete' projects, meaning that those last donations made to projects enabled the projects to achieve the monetary goal they set up front. Whether a donation completes a project is recorded in the column completion. Are donations that complete projects substantially larger/smaller than other donations?

2. Donors

  • Count the numbers of donors from each state.

  • Does average amount of donation (avg_total) differ between one-time donor (num_projeccts=1) v. more-than-once donor (num_projects>1)?

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